Ask Santa Barbara Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Perkins – Chemical Peels Address Fine Lines, Hyperpigmentation, Skin Tone and More

Dr. Terry Perkins, a cosmetic surgeon in Santa Barbara, CA, answers questions from patients and readers about cosmetic surgery, Botox, acne, wrinkles and more. Email your questions to Dr. Perkins and look for his answer on his blog soon!
Q: Dr. Perkins, is there a procedure that is not too expensive or invasive, with little down time, that can address my fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation (age spots)? I am looking for something that I may be able to do in one visit to your office.

A: I founded Evolutions Medical Spa in Santa Barbara for clients like you! Evolutions offers medical grade skin-related services for all skin types and for a wide variety of concerns such as wrinkles, acne, scarring, hyperpigmentation and more.

I chose your question because this month Evolutions is focusing on chemical peels. A chemical peel may be the right choice for your skin concerns mentioned above. Evolutions recently blogged about chemical peels, stating that they are the “best bang for your buck”. Read more from the Evolutions post about chemical peels here.
Evolutions offers light, medium and deep chemical peels that have not too much down time, yet they yield results that you can visibly see. The deepest peel we have is the Obagi Blue Peel – your skin will appear clearer, smoother and younger looking. The medium peels, or Alpha-Beta peels, and lighter peels can be done once or in a series – since they are not as intense as the Blue Peel.

This month Evolutions is hosting an educational event focused on chemical peels. Join us for this free, informative evening with a presentation and a question and answer session. There will be exclusive discounts for attendees along with wine and refreshments and a raffle.

Wednesday, September 23rd, 6:30 to 8:30pm, at Evolutions, 1309 State Street, Santa Barbara. Please RSVP to Evolutions at 805.687.0212.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

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