chemabrasion skin rejuvenation santa barbara

Chemabrasion Enhanced Skin Resurfacing

Decrease wrinkles by 70 – 80% in 1 treatment!

A chemabrasion is an incredible skin resurfacing procedure that combines the advantages of a light to moderate depth dermabrasion (not microdermabrasion) with an aggressive TCA chemical peel.  It is an ideal procedure to treat facial wrinkles, acne pits, skin irregularities, photodamage, facial scars, pre-cancerous lesions and early skin cancers.  With only one treatment, most people will see a 70% to 80% decrease in wrinkles and a 50%+ improvement to acne scars.  

Currently, the areas that can be treated at Evolutions as independent procedures are around the mouth (smoker’s lines), eyes (crow’s feet), or cheeks.

Frequently Asked Questions About Chemabrasion

A chemabrasion is an innovative skin resurfacing procedure that includes both a TCA peel and a moderate depth dermabrasion.  Clients are able to see significant improvement in wrinkles, acne scarring, and general skin health.

In a single treatment, clients typically see a 70% – 80% reduction in wrinkles and a 50+% improvement in acne scarring.  Additionally, the skin is significantly healthier and looks more youthful.

Post-procedure wound care is an important aspect in healing to the maximum benefit. It is essential to keep the skin clean and well hydrated to prevent crust formation. The initial pinkness of the skin will gradually lessen in 1 to 2 months. Mineral makeup (such as Glo Minerals) and a physical sun-block such as Tizo may be started 8 to 10 days after the procedure. Walking may be resumed right away followed, within days, by light activity as tolerated. Most people will take 7 to 10 days off work depending on how strenuous your job is.

Local anesthesia in addition to oral sedation is sufficient for comfort, relaxation, and unawareness

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chemabrasion skin rejuvenation