Social Media Selfies Related to Rise in Plastic Surgery
Are you happy with your “selfie”? Apparently these close-up photos (taken only as far as your own arm’s length) with a mobile phone are spurring an increase in facial plastic surgery. According to a very recent survey by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS), “one in three facial plastic surgeons saw an increase in requests for procedures due to patients being more self aware of looks in social media”. As a result, the survey noted increases in rhinoplasty (10%), hair transplants (7%) and eyelid surgery (6%) in 2013 over 2012.
Most people who take selfies do so in the interest of immediately sharing them with their friends on popular social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and such. With so many of our interactions being “virtual”, a selfie may be seen by prospective romantic interests, friends and even employers before actually meeting the person in the flesh. That is probably why people want to get their selfie just “right”.
Pictures taken at that close proximity can be like looking at yourself in a magnifying mirror where it is easy to pick at imperfections from acne to large pores to wrinkles to crooked noses and double chins. Some of these issues can be easily corrected – forehead wrinkles can be smoothed with Botox, while other wrinkles can be filled with dermal fillers; acne and large pores can be addressed with proper skin care in combination with professional aesthetic medical treatments (like chemical peels and laser facials).
Structural facial concerns can be addressed with cosmetic plastic surgery such as Rhinoplasty (Nose Job surgery), Chin Surgery with an implant to make the chin/jawline more prominent, or Neck Lift surgery to fix sagging muscle, skin, and fat that may be contributing to a “double” chin. Eyelid surgery can remove sagging skin and bulges under the eye area that may make a person look tired or unhappy while a Facelift can redefine and reposition one’s face, giving them a rested and rejuvenated look.
It is important to note that electing to have plastic surgery should not be made on a whim. Santa Barbara cosmetic surgeon Dr. Terry J. Perkins likes to educate his patients to help them understand their cosmetic surgery procedure, the recovery time involved, and the realistic outcome of their surgery.
Once the decision has been made to enhance your look through plastic surgery or cosmetic aesthetic services, you will most likely be thrilled with the outcome. As Dr. Perkins has said, “When a person feels they look good, that comes across to everybody they interact with.” Whether it be in real life or in the virtual world, it will surely be a boost to your “selfie”-esteem.
Book a Santa Barbara cosmetic surgery consultation with Dr. Perkins by calling 805-563-0000.
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