Forehead Lift Surgery in Santa Barbara

When a person’s forehead has relaxed, causing the eyebrows to lower and the eyes to be crowded, they may appear angry, tired, or sad (when they are not). Many people think that it is their eyes that need to be done and are surprised to hear that it is the forehead area that needs to be addressed.

At Cosmetic Surgery Center in Santa Barbara, we offer Forehead lift surgery – also referred to as a “brow lift” – to reposition the forehead and brow upward. This one procedure gives multiple benefits:

  1. Raises the eyebrows to their normal position which opens the eyes and “removes” excess upper lid skin – try it yourself in the mirror.
  2. Smooths the horizontal forehead lines.
  3. Improves crow’s feet by tightening the temporal area.
  4. Removes/softens the frown lines between your eyebrows.

Forehead lift surgery is done through three small incisions in the hair (hair does not need to be shaved). This allows access to the muscles that cause frowning. Partial removal of these muscles causes permanent weakening of the muscle while retaining some function for normal expression. The forehead tissues are shifted upward and held in place with dissolvable sutures for the healing process.

As with all of our cosmetic surgeries, general anesthesia is not needed. Local anesthesia and oral sedation alone, or in combination with intravenous sedation, provides relaxation and amnesia. Pain is usually minimal and easily controlled with Tylenol or Ibuprofen. Most people return to work in 5 to 7 days after surgery.

We do not overdo the tissue lift because that can leave a person looking surprised and “operated”. Instead we take a more conservative approach so the result will be a natural, rested appearance.

View our Forehead Lift Before-and-After Photos Here

If you are interested in restoring your youthful appearance, call us today at (805) 563-0000 to schedule a consultation. 

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